i was almost an abortion

Saturday, January 14, 2012

shame on me...

shame on me,
to need release...

i can't seem to stop my head.
it ticks n tocks like a 50's bird popping out wall clock.
shame on me,
to want, know and feel,
the unbelievableness in my mind.
what i want is what i see,
what i see i want to make 3D,
what's 3D must be high def and digital dolby surround sound.
it must move, taste and feel like something you've never felt,
like satin to the touch, yet thorned, like a rose.
my mind is playing tricks on me because it's something that i must see.
a show of ever-lasting dreams
hooked up in stereo and surround sound,
to the disco ball and gay clientele.
a magical mystery one must see,
to really, truly,
be believed.
a fantasy of erotic bliss
started merely just by one kiss.
i want to make you stop to see,
the things i see inside my dreams.
and when you watch, ask yourself,
what's he crazy?
or just you, yourself,
has had a vision,
one that will take
enormous effort,
and all i stake,
shall be determined by one thing,
the test of truth on him,
on me.
we'll see.

i won't Blackout

i'm only getting started,
i won't blackout.

i started the gym this week.
fuckin A.
i forgot about all the years of hideous hours i had put in in the past to achieve the exquisite body i had once had.
it's all gone now, but one day, and one day soon,
i'll be back in fighting form.

i've been sick for a week,
and bored.
time to get started.
what did i say last week?
the time is here,
it's come,
and i aint wasting anymore time,
i'm only getting started...
i won't back down.


once upon a time

Once upon a time,

in a bath house far, far away,

there was a little boy...