i was almost an abortion

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

kids these days

serves you right queen...
i asked u once,y simple,
and thats all i shoulda had to do.
u know i have my reasons,
and they are justified, tried and true...
i wouldnt ask u to do something for no reason....
it all makes sense,
it's all very simple,

and it all would have been so much easier had you just listened to me in the first place.

kids these days...
they dont want to pick up a phone,
make a 2 second call to make things sit right,
confirm details,
and make life easy...
the need to text everything on their i-phones...
simple directions,
meeting times,
get tangled in endless texts
making a 2 second question
turn into a 3 hour dilena...
all i did was ask you to call me
hear your response in your own voice...

know you were serious about our meeting...
and you woulda had daddy's big fat cock in you now..

oh well.
now u know.

don't say i didnt warn you...
stupid girl