Chapter Fourteen;
To Infinity, and Beyond...
After a few long summer months of what seemed like endless days turned into never ending nights, he realized that there was something missing in his life. it was something he had almost probably taken for granted, because it didn't actually seem like it played such a major part in his day, but in fact, it was the one small thing that let everything around him come together in one or two simple run on sentences.
He felt almost relieved when he finally just sat and he knew that it was this very thing that he needed, missed, and yearned for, because it just came back flowing through him like it always did. his mind seemed to relax. his heart slowed down it's beat, his brain seemed to put up ladders and started to climb up to build the structure it had abandoned a few months prior. he was back. home. and everything seemed right again.
He thought back for a moment and tried to remember what exactly had made him stop, and it made him shudder when he realized the very person who had given him so much grief over this passion, this thing that made him feel complete and gave him closure to most of the uphill winding slippery sloped insanity he somehow survived daily, was also the one person who, after all these years, was out of his life. and it all made sense. this guy was supposed to protect him. but this guy never lifted a finger to do anything except take and manipulate. but the witch was dead, ding dong, and so, he could finally move forward,
and ahead. the skies right now looked dreary, but there, up ahead, he swore he saw a break in the clouds, and maybe even a beam of light was trying to break through...

...and in the distance he saw a shooting star as it fell to earth, and he understood then, that maybe his star had fallen from the galaxy it once ruled, and maybe he was not the same bright shiny young burst of energy that he once was, but he knew also that he could soar the skies again, and this time, he just may light up the skies, to infinity and beyond...
we now return you to your regularly scheduled show...