What makes your cock rock hard?
it's not something you have to think about...
it's something that, in your wildest fantasies, actually could happen.
it of course, happens unexpectedly.
like, one day, your walking down the street, you turn a corner, and there...standing in front of you is THE one man you've always jerked off thinking about.
he turns his head
you make eye contact,
but it's more than eye contact...
there's an energy unlike anything you've ever felt. your heart pounds, pulse races, you start to sweat uncontrollably, and your cock throbs and there's no hiding it, but...then again, why would you, because when you look down at his crotch, it's exactly like yours...and you move closer, eyes locked, unable to think str8 (thank GOD!) there you are, face to face, he grabs your shirt and tie and pulls your face right next to his. now, there you are, eye to eye, mouth to mouth, lip to lip, tongue to tongue, cocks press together, you grab his cock and you feel his cock through his Levi's jeans,
soaking wet...
what happens next is what
porn movies wish they could be...get so HARD, you leak pre-cum down your Paul Smith trousers...
Monday, Rocco Hard, and just why his name is appropriate...