i was almost an abortion

Friday, November 9, 2012

Audition Reel

jason livanis  Audition Reel


who r u when u've never known anyone else??
why when we worry will we later wonder what for? 
when will we wonder, like, "what would we want more?"
we want what we lust.
we lust what we see.
we see everything tinted.
we think it should all be for free. 

everything happens
because well, it must.
everything is what it is
because it's well, just because.
it has nothing to do
at all with you.
you can change it slightly
if you let it just be,
but when meddling hands 
are attached to the meddling kind,
with meddling bodies
and meddling minds,
then an axis will shift
just a notch,
not an inch,
but enuf to just re-sinch
all the wrongs we once wanted
when what we wanted wasn't really wrong, 
just reminded us that once
we were what we thought we wanted,
but then found out it wasn't what we thought it would be.
when we really always had it with us, only,
we didn't see it,
it was too free.


Sign your name

djSÜNDENFALL31-Terence Trent D´Arby-Sign your name(Lee Scratch Perry remix)

time i'm sure will bring disappointments in so many things...it seems to be the way...
time i'm sure will bring disappointments in so many things...it seems to be the way...
time i'm sure will bring disappointments in so many things...it seems to be the way...
and there he was, almost as i had envisioned so many countless times in my mind...only this time, he was real.

could this actually be him? it? the thing he had always thought would never actually happen because he would never actually find anyone who could, would fill the requirements, but also because he had put so much energy in imagining that he would, somehow, even if he had found this creature, would destroy any chance he would ever have of actually having such a wonderful, magnificent creature love him back...he would destroy that chance before he had the chance to let the creature figure out what a mess he was anyway...

so maybe...crazy. but, could it be? would it happen? well, let's see.

and so, as the snow drifted eerily upward, spiraling and twisting, whistling as it blew,he got an idea that maybe, most definitely, things had shifted...

              (to be continued...)

--------- (REMIX) ---------

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