the dream will come if you are very careful just how you ask for it, why you need it so badly, what you did to deserve it, and when exactly you need it the most, is when you get it, at last.
after dragging my ass all over town, from brooklyn to jersey up and downtown, i was scouring craigslist today when an apartment popped out in the apartment rentals looked to good to e true, for the photos were gorgeous arched doorways that guided you into rooms filled with sunlight that seemed like a dream, and the one wall was curved, giving it an asymetric look that was unbalance, yet classi and undestated elegance.
the kitchen was modern, the bathroom newly renovated, and hen i looked at the price, and i thought someone had made a hue mistake...$1300? could it be? or was this just a malicious scheme by omeone who had nothing better to do than play tricks on me...
so i called, and i told them about my misfortune of subletting my old apartment to a scumbag fag ho didn't pay the rent, and ruined my credit...i told him about Buddy, and he seemed fine with the d of a big dog watching over the property...then i asked him, just by chance, if there was any way i could secure the apartment, and immediately, he sent me the paperwork, which i filled out and sent back right away. by 6:00 this evening, after running around rampant fr three weeks, my search for a home came to an end, and the broker told me he had taken it off the market, and the apartment, until some inspection took place here he coul see ny proper cause i shouldn't have it, was mine...
and Buddy's...
and so, we are home, well, will be soon, and the fairytale ended when i looked in Buddy' eyes, as he sighed and i hugged him, and i scratched his behind. his tail started wagging, his ad eyes looked at me, and i think he knew it was almost time, that we woul finally end this dream...whih was more of a nightmare...
i think i'm home...