i was almost an abortion

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Will I Know

how will i know?
well after leaving what i think could maybe be something interesting
maybe even life changing,
i walked down 7th ave sun shining city sparkling
picked upa bagel at Murrays
came home thought maybe i would try and sabotage myself and my chance encounter...
went on manhunt,
found noting, except the typical
it is tuesday after a holiday weekend of course,
the only ones left online are the ones youd never do,
yet there i was...
sabotage is what i do best,
with myself anyway.
but i decided, after logging off,
that maybe i'd just sit back relax,
do the actual necessary things i needed to do today,
and let my evil ways go
just for the day.
maybe things will work out differently than in the past.
just maybe,
i'm growing up.

and there it is...

maybe the last person you'd expect,
the one you chose to overlook,
by chance, all these years,
would be the one person you never dreamed would be
the one who's mind would be in synchcronisity
with similar perplexity
to what you store, deep inside of thee.
but then, one day,
out of nowhere,
something happens,
something's changed...
something's morphed, and rearranged.
for what you saw as black,
is really fuscia, up close.
and how and why in the world,
could you have not seen it before?

it doesn't matter in the end,
in the long run it just depends,
on the way you choose to comprehend,
all the things you now know,
and then,
the choice is yours,
the time has come,
you see yourself,
looking differently...
the things you now can clearly see,
are the ones that will make the rest of your life,
magically, turn right into your destiny.

so now you know...