i was almost an abortion

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

enough about me, let's talk about you...do u like my new blog?


here's some background.
i've been a mess for years,
as many as i can remember.
those i can't remember i don't remember because i was a mess during them.
i was a hugely successful fashion editor at 20,
worked dressing Ricky Martin on tour by the time i  was 29,
had a nervous breakdown at 30,
picked up a camera
started shooting,
had my first billboard campaign 6 months later,
my first book, Testosterone (one of the biggest selling gay erotic books of all time)
by the time i was 36,
my second book, Uncensored at 40,
and was a crystal meth addict the entire time.
i don't know,
but am now kinda clean,
am working on my third book (titled j/o) as i type,
and am starting my own production company and porn studio
which will also be called j/o
it's been a rollercoaster,
but i don't want to get off.
i hope you enjoy the stories, visuals, and the soundtrack.
it's all me,
it's all real,
and it's all over the top.
but then again,
that's me.
i hide nothing
because i don't care what you think...
except to wonder why you don't respect me more
for being the person i always said i was,


here we go...

1 comment:

andrew rich said...

One very SEXY man..loving, careing and well who wouldn't love this Guy!!!