editor turned photographer turned gay porn sensation. his two best
selling gay-erotic photo books, Testosterone and Uncensored have gone
through numerous printings, and his third book the self titled J/O out
this fall through Bruno Gmuender. his work has influened his generation
while not abandoning it's past. he is influenced by and compared
to three gay icons/artists, Tom of Finland, Jim French of COLT fame,
and Robert Mapplethorpe, often times reinterperating their classic
imagery with his own brand of style, trademark lighting, and twisted sense
of humor captured in a no nonsense, in your face sex image that leaves nothing to be
ashamed of or for. he depicts the modern gay man in today's society, not behind
any closet doors, but in broad daylight, out there ready to pounce at
any moment. his work can be seen in OUT, N.Y. Times Magazine,
Vibe and/or on the cover off any gay porn dvd, magazine, blog and now,