i was almost an abortion

Saturday, April 13, 2013


every morning when he woke up, he had his coffee, walked the dogs, and tried to, maybe, make this day the one that made the difference in turning everything in his life back around to a good place. but today was different...last night ended differently, so, it made sense that it would start in another way too.
before he went to bed, after a long day of stress and a gurgling stomach, he, for no reason at all, said a thank you prayer to the universe, and when he did, it somehow made all the worries from the day disappear. he didn't sleep very well, and not for very long, but when his eyes did finally open just three hours later, he felt rested, not energized, but comfortable, and with a feeling of substance, unlike he had felt in some time. he also felt humble, which, for him, was rare, so he went with it, and jotted out a few thank you emails to people who he had made listen to his drama one to many times recently. it felt good to wash away the past with a simple, yet kind message that he hoped would maybe start their day off with pleasantries also.
it was a new day.c everything seemed different than it had for the past few months...
the sun was shining, it was warm outside, and there was even a different taste to his coffee, and the dogs decided to walk a different path...
maybe something was about to change...

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